Tag: maui

  • Saying goodbye to my island home

    Saying goodbye to my island home

    A few months ago, I came back to Hawaii seeking comfort. And a few months after that, I decided I was ready to move on with my life. The islands healed me, and I knew I was ready for new adventures and a new chapter. Saying goodbye to my island home wasn’t easy, but it…

  • Boating Day & Whale Watching in Maui!

    Boating Day & Whale Watching in Maui!

    After finding out the Hawaii Missile Threat was a false alarm, we decided to make the most of the day by taking the boat out and enjoying sunshine, whale watching and good music – all things we’d miss had the missile threat been real. Here are my favorite photos from that day! ☀️ It was…

  • Brighten Your Monday With A Little Maui Magic

    Brighten Your Monday With A Little Maui Magic

    Happy Monday! I spend some time this weekend organizing (and reorganizing) my photos, and I found so many of these beautiful photos of Hawaiian skies. So I figured, what better way to brighten someone’s Monday than with these shots? If you’re dreading going into work today, just remember that we live on a planet full…

  • Visiting Lumeria on Maui | Local Wild Food Challenge

    Visiting Lumeria on Maui | Local Wild Food Challenge

    I’ve lived on Maui for 20 years, and it surprises me how much there is that I haven’t done or seen on this tiny island. The other day, I was invited to visit Lumeria on Maui. I’ve driven past it countless times, but I’ve never actually gone inside – and now that I have, I…

  • Fall in Hawaii

    Fall in Hawaii

    One of the things I loved the most about living on the mainland is experiencing the different seasons. I love Hawaii, but I really wish we had all four seasons. Fall is my favorite season, and I’m definitely missing the changing leaves, crisp fall air, and the onset of winter. Here’s what fall in Hawaii…

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    In 2012, I lost my stepmom to breast cancer. Last year, my mom got checked for lumps (she’s okay, thankfully). This year, one of our friends was diagnosed with breast cancer. And with October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it just seemed fitting to join a walk. I thought about my stepmom a lot that…

  • Maui


    About 2 months ago, I traveled back home to Maui and played “tourist.” Here’s some photos from that trip. First hug after being away for 2 years! Paia is one of my favorite places on Maui. I love all the little shops and the small town vibe. It makes me happy! Sometimes, the best way…

  • Home


    You’re probably wondering where I’ve been. The last you heard from me, I was going on vacation to Hawaii to visit my family – that was a month ago. Since then, I’ve been silent on social media, here on this blog, and I haven’t been on my phone much either.  I’ve got an explanation, but…

  • Don’t Forget

    Don’t Forget

    The other day I was eavesdropping on a couple next to me (don’t act like you don’t do it). The lady sat down next to her husband and was reminding him to take his medication, asking him if he remembered to pack Kleenex, and telling him about the long list of to-do’s she has waiting for…

  • Twenty-four today

    Twenty-four today

    I’ve felt this summer day 24 times. And while so many things have changed over the years, I’ve never felt so much like myself as I do right now in this very moment.  This morning, I was standing on my balcony thinking about everything I’ve done in the 24 short years I’ve been on this…